It’s Friday night and you’re not wanting to try that same old steak restaurant and maybe shake it up with the movies. Well, Dovey is here to help! Let’s shake up the old and add the new.


Project summary

This app was created to help couples add new routines and ideas to their date life.

The Challenge

The world is a global playground. Due to the pandemic, we have realized how connected and far apart we are at the same time. We’ve been inside for the past year, let Dovey guide you to a safe night out!

Measurable Success

I know that this project will be successful if we receive user feedback providing suggestions on different activities and date ideas.


How might we..

I styled my persona on a young couple that is new to the area and wanting to add new routines and explore their new life.

This persona, is based off a older married couple that is looking to add some new lifestyle changes

SWOT Analysis

After working on a Persona it made sense to continue working on a SWAT analysis to look deeper at the competitors in this nice of this product.

Goals that single couples and group date couples would have for using Dovey.

Scope and out of Scope for Dovey

User Interviews

To gain better insight into the questions I composed in the survey, I decided to conduct A user interview with participants that I thought represented the persona I developed earlier. I conducted the interviews in person and recorded the process using a MacBook with the user's written consent.

The users who were interviewed were a young couple in their late 20s. These are a sample of the questions that were asked.

1.“How do you usually find new locations for a date night”

“I find a lot from different pages I follow on Instagram”

2.” Where do you like going out for your dates”

“We go out to a restaurant nearby but, would be open to finding somewhere new”

Feedback is helpful right? I used these helpful suggestions to shape my thinking while creating the V2 model

Follow the user’s flow for both returning and new users.

Initial sketches for Dovey, influenced me map out the flow as well as the personality for the app

I decided to create a more focused design by creating a mood board of images of couples doing activities together.

I wanted to keep the color palette simple but warm and aesthetically appealing.

After the sketches it was time for me to play around with Figma to see how Dovey’s initial mockups should look like.

The first iterations for Dovey- The first mockups for Dovey- showcased an entirely different color scheme that looked too busy at first glance. I was very excited about the neon heart design, so I wanted to stick it everywhere. Nonetheless, This design was too distracting for the user and wasn’t the purpose of creating the app.

The onboarding screens that new users will see upon registering for the app. As you can see the design takes on an entirely different color scheme. I wanted to use a color that showcased that “couple love'‘ Seeing how it was around Valentine's Day I decided on a darker pink for A more “easy on the eye” experience.

This flow takes users from the home page, through date options and then to two date options to choose from.

Next steps

Desktop models to showcase how Dovey would look on the big screen!

Desktop mockup for the login screen.

Desktop mockup for the profile screen

 V2 Prototype design



Bloc-A Pro Black Social Media App

